More vegetables in Italian

Images of vegetables and Italian translation

More vegetables in Italian

Written by Alessandra

If I give you their Italian names, can you guess what these vegetables are?
Finocchio, for example. And what about mais, carciofi and fagiolini? Asparagi anyone?
All the veggies presented in this and in the first post about greens are vegetables that you can easily find in Italian greengrocers, supermarkets and on dining tables. Some vegetables are not as commonly consumed in the country and they’re less likely to be available. If you’re curious about other vegetables that I haven’t mentioned and which, on the contrary, are eaten daily in your country, [TASK ALERT!] why don’t you go on a quest to find out what their Italian names are?

And if you thought that vegetables were only a great way to stay healthy, think again!


Vegetables are also a great way to learn about a colour or two…


Different fruit in watercolour style

Remember, the carrot is arancione. The tomato is rosso. And lettuce is verde. Sweetcorn is giallo. Cauliflower is bianco.

If you’ve missed it, check out the first post about vegetables, where I talk of my grandma’s summer dishes, here. Also, if you’re madly in love with colours like I am, find out more about rainbows in this post.



Until next time…